Friday, March 6, 2009

Ajanta, Ellora and Paithan

As part of our annual excursion through college, we were taken to visit the caves at Ajanta and Ellora. En route, we also got to see how Paithani sarees are made. These pictures are so-so, considering that they are from my piddoo little camera phone, but I had to put them up.


jazzlamb said...

hey what's that in the second picture?
thanks a lot for all the encouragement on moi blog:)

Anushka said...

Its the thread used on the looms at Paithan. Each sari takes like 6 months to weave. I was just fascinated by all the colours. P.S, about the encouragement, anytime. :D

Lone Rider said...

The 2nd pic is really gud....u r gud with the camera.....nice click.

Anushka said...

Thank you! Pleasently vexed.